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DIY Oil Cleansing Method


    The oil cleansing method may be one of the most gentle and effective for all skin types. It is very helpful for detoxing. It assist in drawing out all the impurities from the skin pores. Therefore, one may experience more breakouts at first. This is due to what is referred to as "purging of the skin." So what exactly is it? The OCM method consist of using a combination of oils and steam to clean the skin. It is off putting for some to even consider oil as a cleansing agent. I have oily, acne prone skin. The first time I read about the OCM method, I was perplexed. However, I've been using it for a long time. It has made such a difference in my skin that I do not wish to consider anything else. In addition, it is extremely cost effective. I will say I did stop using the OCM for approximately six months. My skin was a wreck with blemishes and dullness. As soon as I started using it again, my skin improved within a couple of days. Below we are going to start with our formula for our beautifying, cleansing oil.

                                  DIY OCM
     We are going to start with your choice of one or a combination of the oils below. The amount of oil you need will depend on your individual skin type. For oily skin you will need 70 milliliters. For dry skin you will need 90 milliliters. For normal skin you will need 80 milliliters. There are many that can be used. See the descriptions below and choose the best ones for your skin type; then fill a clean container with the appropriate amount.

     Oily, Sensitive                  Jojoba, Grapeseed, 

     Dry, Mature                      Avocado, Apricot,

     Normal, Combination         Sunflower, Grapeseed

     Next you will need to add castor oil. The amount will be again based on your individual skin type. See the descriptions below. 

    Oily, Acne prone                 Add 30 milliliters
    Dry, mature                       Add 10 milliliters 

    Normal                              Add 20 milliliters 

    Note: Very dry skin types may need to skip the castor oil. It can be very drying. If you are using this method and find that it is too drying, you can just add a little more of which ever oils you chose for the majority of the mixture. 

     So now you have your lovely cleansing oil! Now it is time to learn how to use it for cleansing and detoxing your skin.

      Step 1. Fill the sink with very warm water.

      Step 2. Soak a wash cloth or hand towel 
      (it is best to use microfiber) in the warm water.

      Step 3. Massage the oil into your face for
      approximately 2 minutes going over the eyes
      and neck.

      Step 4. Hold the warm towel onto your face for
      a couple of minutes. The steam helps to pull
      the impurities out of your pores.

      Step 5. Flush your face with warm water. If you 
      are using a microfiber towel you may use it to
      wipe off the oil. 

      Step 6. Pat dry. Avoid rubbing the skin when 
      towel drying.

     Note: Some follow with an all natural cleanser. I have never found this to be necessary. The OCM is sufficient for removing dirt, oil, and it totally dissolves make-up. If you want to follow with a natural chemical free cleanser, it will not hurt anything. I do hope you guys try and like this method of cleansing. It is so awesome! Saves a ton of money as well. Leave me a comment please and let me know your thoughts.






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