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4 simple things you can do to improve the look and health of your skin

Hello and wecome! In the following paragraphs I'm going to go over some simple, inexpensive things you can do to improve the look and health of your skin. Lets face it, we all want beautiful, glowing, clear skin without having to go to too much trouble or break the bank. Below you will find a list of recommendations. These suggestions are not for sensitive skin types.

1) Use a mineral sunscreen when outdoors; and or wear a wide brimmed hat. I know this has been said for years. However, few heed the warning. Over exposure to sun light is the number one skin enemy. Contrary to popular belief, sun does not help blemishes. Opt for a mineral based sunscreen. The ingredient list will contain titanium dioxide and or zinc oxide. These minerals reflect the light rather than absorb it. Avoid chemical sunscreens that contain oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate, and octinoxate. These chemicals form free radicals on the skin. Wearing a good mineral based sunscreen is the best thing you can do to prevent damage to the skin. Prevention is always better than cure.

2) Wash your face at night before bed only. In other words, just once a day. In the morning a good splash with cold water is sufficient to remove oil and dust particles that accumulate while sleeping. Your face is the dirtiest at night when you've been out and about exposed to pollutants and such. For those of us who wear make-up, it is even more important to wash the make-up off before going to sleep. Opt for a sulfate free face wash that doesn't have harsh chemicals. Sulfates are drying and irritating.

3) Exfoliate your skin once a week. Again, avoid harsh ingredients. Those charcoal peel off mask are a no go! They cause injury which opens up a breeding ground for bacteria which can lead to break outs. Mineral mud rinse off mask are one of the best! The sheet mask are fine as well. Its a good idea to avoid parabens. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells and increases blood flow to the skin.

4) Use a good skin type appropriate moisturizer at night before bed. I like to use a serum packed with peptides and hyaluronic acid followed by a skin loving oil. I have oily skin; so I use camellia seed oil after applying my serum. It is essential to use a moisturizer after washing your face as washing dries the skin and the moisture needs restoring.

So there you have it! These are just some very basic things you can do to improve your skin. See my next posting on caring for specific skin types. Please comment with any questions or feedback. I do love comments; but all I ask is that we all be nice and respectful to one another.


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