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Showing posts from February, 2018

How to care for sensitive skin

                              How to care for sensitive skin              Sensitive skin types are usually a challenge to care for. For some, it seems virtually everything causes redness and or breakouts. For others, the existing skin concerns are not alleviated; or they worsen with tried antics. Regardless of which one of the above pertains to you, I'm going to go over some very important things that may help your skin concerns. I'm going to touch on some things to avoid as well. Do keep in mind that I am not a doctor. Therefore my suggestions are not intended to replace medical advice. If you are suffering with any medical condition, seek the advice of a physician before trying any of the following.  Thank you all for reading. I hope and pray this information will help with your se...

DIY Oil Cleansing Method

           The oil cleansing method may be one of the most gentle and effective for all skin types. It is very helpful for detoxing. It assist in drawing out all the impurities from the skin pores. Therefore, one may experience more breakouts at first. This is due to what is referred to as "purging of the skin." So what exactly is it? The OCM method consist of using a combination of oils and steam to clean the skin. It is off putting for some to even consider oil as a cleansing agent. I have oily, acne prone skin. The first time I read about the OCM method, I was perplexed. However, I've been using it for a long time. It has made such a difference in my skin that I do not wish to consider anything else. In addition, it is extremely cost effective. I will say I did stop using the OCM for approximately six months. My skin was a wreck with blemishes and dullness. As soon as I started using it again, my skin improved within a couple of days....

4 simple things you can do to improve the look and health of your skin